Extraterrestrials – NASA rover shows Mars rodent

Extraterrestrials – NASA rover shows Mars rodent

Extraterrestrials - NASA rover shows Mars rodent

A report posted on UFO Sightings Daily claims that life has been discovered on Mars. The report talks about finding a rat like Creature in one of the photos posted in official NASA website. The photo was sent by the Mars Rover. The website, UFO Sightings Daily, is coordinated by Scott C. Waring. He had been affiliated with the United States Air Force at SAC base (USAF flight line).

He currently owns an ESL School in Taiwan. In this report, Scott has published images of the creature, taken from official NASA website, along with a video of the creature posted on YouTube.

Mr. Waring tells us how the creature was discovered. He also tells us that it is not the first creature discovered on Mars.

“This odd creature was discovered on Mars by a person in Japan in March. This animal was not the first to be discovered in NASA photos but is in a long line of strange creatures.”

He describes the last reported creature and talks about what this particular creature resembles.

“Remember the last one we reported that was very similar to a squirrel (left had column of our site)? Well this one also seems to resemble a rodent but also may be a lizard.”

He explains why it is possible to find such creatures on Mars.

“With water existing on Mars in small amounts, it’s possible to find such desert animals wandering around…although very rare mind you.”

He also suggests that the creatures might have been placed by NASA for experimentation.

“Then again, is NASA placing animals from tiny cyogenic chambers inside the rover onto the surface of Mars to conduct tests?”

Finally, he asks the readers to provide their opinion about the images.

“Check out the NASA photo for yourself and tell us what you think about it in the comments please.”

Info and picture source…..examiner.com

Read more in the UFO and Exopolitics section of The Canadian.

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NASA contractor United Space Alliance migrated to Linux from Windows

NASA contractor United Space Alliance migrated to Linux from Windows and went to The Linux Foundation for help with training.

logo nasa, NASA contractor United Space Alliance migrated to Linux from Windows

It’s hard to get tech support 400 kilometers away from the Earth, which is why Keith Chuvala of United Space Alliance, a NASA contractor deeply involved in Space Shuttle and International Space Station (ISS) operations, decided to migrate to Linux. As leader of the Laptops and Network Integration Teams, Chuvala oversees the developers in charge of writing and integrating software for the Station’s “OpsLAN” – a network of laptops that provide the ISS crew with vital capabilities for day-to-day operations, from telling the astronauts where they are, to inventory control of the equipment used, to interfacing with the cameras that capture photos and videos.

“We migrated key functions from Windows to Linux because we needed an operating system that was stable and reliable – one that would give us in-house control. So if we needed to patch, adjust or adapt, we could.” With the transition to Linux looming, Chuvala turned to the Linux Foundation’s Linux training program for help.

Expert training produces seamless Linux migration

With a goal of getting his team up to speed on developing applications in Linux, Chuvala was looking for solid training that would address various skill levels. The Linux Foundation’s training staff arranged two courses geared specifically for the USA/NASA team’s needs: Introduction to Linux for Developers and Developing Applications For Linux. Both training sessions were adapted to provide tailored instruction for the diverse group.

Dominic Duval, the Director of Enterprise Training, was able to leverage the group’s mixed backgrounds, augment their existing knowledge with Linux-specific skills, and prepare them for developing apps related specifically to the needs of the ISS. Chuvala was extremely pleased with the expertise and flexibility Duval provided the team. “Initially, I was worried about some of our real techie guys getting ‘bored,’” said Chuvala. “But that was not the case at all. Likewise, the new people were sufficiently challenged.”

Read more: www.linux.com/news/featured-blogs/191-linux-training/711318-linux-foundation-training-prepares-the-international-space-station-for-linux-migration

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