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Compromising Positions Adult Game

Sex Sex Sex

We all do it, or wish we did it, so why not talk about it?

We have Books

The perfect companion to any social gathering, this handy guide will walk you through any situation and ensure you sound like the sexpert you've always wanted to be.

Sex Card Games

While playing a card game, you and your lover use the cards to plan out one of the 100,000 possible fantasies

Sex Calendars

Offers an inspiring range of the wildest and sexiest entanglements imaginable, guaranteeing 365 days of naughty fun it contains explicit images and is intended for a mature audiences only.

Sex Fortunes Books

What's your dirty destiny? Playful and provocative, this collection of 100 sex questions provides a surefire way for lovers to turn up the heat. Even if you're a pro in the sack, SexSmarts will continually surprise and fascinate you with sexy, interesting and unusual facts about everyone's favorite pastime.

Bad Girls 2015 Desk Calendar

This retro Bad Girls easel desk calendar has all the answers,featuring 12 vintage pulp magazine and book covers.

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