DDoS attack – Distributed Denial of Service

DDoS attack – Distributed Denial of Service

DDOS, short for Distributed Denial oService, is a type of DOS attack where multiple compromised systems — which are usually infected with a Trojan — are used to target a single system causing a Denial of Service (DoS) attack. Victims of a DDoS attack consist of both the end targeted system and all systems maliciously used and controlled by the hacker in the distributed attack.

According to this report on eSecurityPlanet, in a DDoS attack, the incoming traffic flooding the victim originates from many different sources – potentially hundreds of thousands or more. This effectively makes it impossible to stop the attack simply by blocking a single IP address; plus, it is very difficult to distinguish legitimate user traffic from attack traffic when spread across so many points of origin.

Article source…..www.webopedia.com

5 Notorious DDoS Attacks in 2013 :

Early Sunday morning, part of the Chinese Internet went down in what the government is calling the largest denial-of-service attack it has ever faced. According to the China Internet Network Information Center, the attack began at 2 a.m. Sunday morning and was followed by an even more intense attack at 4 a.m. The attack was aimed at the registry that allows users to access sites with the extension “.cn,”. As originally reported by the Wall Street Journal, the attack is perhaps more an indicator of just how susceptible the global Internet infrastructure is to these types of attacks.

China has one of the most sophisticated filtering systems in the world, period. Furthermore, China’s government is rated by analysts as having one of the highest abilities to carry out cyber attacks. Despite both of these points, China is not capable of defending itself from an attack.

DOS (Denial of Service) or DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) attacks are the single largest threat to our Internet and the Internet of Things.

Read more…..siliconangle.com

“Note from Awesome admin.”  These idiots should go and get themselves a life. Our service provider has been hit twice in the last week causing inaccessibility to our Awesome Blog. I guess they are a bunch of extremely ugly, socially inept people that only get their jollies from trying to destroy other peoples work. Get a human implant and use your talent for something good. Shame on you “IDIOTS”!!!

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